Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Nina Laisné & Nestor ‘Pola’ Pastorive

Public rehearsals

Nina Lais­né ima­gines a cho­reo­graph­ic and music­al piece to cel­eb­rate pian­ist and com­poser Hilda Her­rera and dan­cer Nestor ‘Pola’ Pas­torive, two unique and free fig­ures of Argen­tine folklore.

After mak­ing a last­ing impres­sion on Caen audi­ences in 2019 with Romances incier­tos, anoth­er Orlando, a piece con­ceived with François Chaignaud, Nina Lais­né returns to the ccncn to work on a new pro­ject in which she artic­u­lates music, dance, sceno­graphy and video. The artist orches­trates a meet­ing between the music of pian­ist and com­poser Hilda Her­rera, a major fig­ure in Argen­tine folk­lore, and her com­pat­ri­ot Nestor ‘Pola’ Pas­torive, a vir­tu­oso dan­cer who has opened up Argen­tine zapateos to oth­er influ­ences. Both have recon­ciled fidel­ity to the roots of their art with cre­at­ive auda­city. With Como una baguala oscura, Nina Lais­né pro­poses a new approach to Hilda Her­rera’s music, through move­ment. The dir­ect­or weaves con­nec­tions between the present time of the stage – the imme­di­ate stakes of Nestor ‘Pola’ Pas­torive’s lively, exal­ted per­form­ance – and the music, but also the memory and stor­ies of the pian­ist, appear­ing on a video screen. A viv­i­fy­ing, lively experience.

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Concep­tion, sta­ging, cos­tumes Nina Lais­né Cho­reo­graphy, per­form­ance Nes­tor “Pola” Pas­torive Pia­no and com­po­si­tion Hil­da Her­re­ra (present vir­tu­ally) Light design Sha­ly Lopez Sound tech Arthur Frick Stu­dio sound tech Mireille Faure Pro­duc­tion admin­is­trat­or Mar­tine Gir­ol Pro­duc­tion and dif­fu­sion Bur­eau Pla­tô – Séve­rine Péan et Clé­mence Fara­vel Dur­a­tion 1 hour

Deputy pro­du­cer : Zorongo
Copro­duc­tion : Les 2 Scènes, Scène natio­nale de Besan­çon ; Théâtre Molière – Sète, Scène natio­nale archi­pel de Thau ; Thea­tro Cir­co, Bra­ga, centre cho­ré­gra­phique natio­nal de Caen en Nor­man­die with the cur­rent Ac­cueil-stu­­dio program
With the sup­port of : Nina Lais­né has received fund­ing from the Min­istry of Cul­ture – DRAC Bour­gogne-Fran­che-Com­té and she is asso­ci­ated artist with 2 Scènes, Scène natio­nale de Besançon

Where and when

February 2024

  • 15
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm


Entrée libre sur réservations – jauge limitée