Nina Laisné & Nestor ‘Pola’ Pastorive
Public rehearsals
Nina Laisné imagines a choreographic and musical piece to celebrate pianist and composer Hilda Herrera and dancer Nestor ‘Pola’ Pastorive, two unique and free figures of Argentine folklore.
After making a lasting impression on Caen audiences in 2019 with Romances inciertos, another Orlando, a piece conceived with François Chaignaud, Nina Laisné returns to the ccncn to work on a new project in which she articulates music, dance, scenography and video. The artist orchestrates a meeting between the music of pianist and composer Hilda Herrera, a major figure in Argentine folklore, and her compatriot Nestor ‘Pola’ Pastorive, a virtuoso dancer who has opened up Argentine zapateos to other influences. Both have reconciled fidelity to the roots of their art with creative audacity. With Como una baguala oscura, Nina Laisné proposes a new approach to Hilda Herrera’s music, through movement. The director weaves connections between the present time of the stage – the immediate stakes of Nestor ‘Pola’ Pastorive’s lively, exalted performance – and the music, but also the memory and stories of the pianist, appearing on a video screen. A vivifying, lively experience.
+ MoreCast
Conception, staging, costumes Nina Laisné Choreography, performance Nestor “Pola” Pastorive Piano and composition Hilda Herrera (present virtually) Light design Shaly Lopez Sound tech Arthur Frick Studio sound tech Mireille Faure Production administrator Martine Girol Production and diffusion Bureau Platô – Séverine Péan et Clémence Faravel Duration 1 hour
Deputy producer : Zorongo
Coproduction : Les 2 Scènes, Scène nationale de Besançon ; Théâtre Molière – Sète, Scène nationale archipel de Thau ; Theatro Circo, Braga, centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie with the current Accueil-studio program
With the support of : Nina Laisné has received funding from the Ministry of Culture – DRAC Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and she is associated artist with 2 Scènes, Scène nationale de Besançon
Where and when
February 2024
ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm
Entrée libre sur réservations – jauge limitée