Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Our “Practicing Exhibition” Cycle

For the third year, the ccn and Artothèque have joined forces to offer three events dur­ing the year, invit­ing the pub­lic to “incor­por­ate” an exhibition.

What does “Prac­ti­cing exhib­i­tion” mean?

The pub­lic is invited to a guided tour of the exhib­i­tion (approx. 30 min.) at the Artothèque in Caen, fol­lowed by a move­ment work­shop led by an artist pro­posed by the centre cho­ré­gra­phique. The aim of this sens­ory exper­i­ence, open to all, is to get togeth­er around our desire to dance and this inter­rog­a­tion: how can our bod­ies inhabit/host an exhib­i­tion? Using exper­i­ment­al exer­cises, togeth­er we will build an eph­em­er­al occu­pa­tion of the space.

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Sat­urday, Feb­ru­ary 03, 2024 from 3pm to 5pm
with Flo­ren­tin Ginot: around Suz­anne Hus­ky’s exhib­i­tion « Cas­tor, l’a­mant de la rivière »
30-minute guided tour of the exhib­i­tion fol­lowed by a 90-minute workshop

Sat­urday, April 27, 2024 from 3pm to 5pm
with Cla­ris­sa Bau­mann: exhib­i­tion by Auré­lie Fer­ruel & Flo­ren­tine Guédon
30-minute guided tour of the exhib­i­tion fol­lowed by a 90-minute workshop

Sat­urday, Octo­ber 19, 2024, from 3pm to 5pm
with Alban Richard: exhib­i­tion by Eric Tabu­chi & Nel­ly Monnier
30-minute guided tour of the exhib­i­tion fol­lowed by a 90-minute workshop


Avec l’Ar­to­thèque, Espaces d’art contem­po­rain de Caen

Where and when

February 2024

  • 03
    Artothèque de Caen 3:00 pm

April 2024

  • 27
    Artothèque de Caen 3:00 pm

October 2024

  • 19
    Artothèque de Caen 3:00 pm