Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Repertório N.3

Shows - installations

The final part of a tri­logy of self-defense cho­reo­graph­ies in the face of viol­ence, Rep­er­tório N.3 is a sin­gu­lar and power­ful per­form­ance, in which two cho­reo­graph­ers renew the ima­gin­ary of the black body. 

With their Rep­er­tório tri­logy, Davi Pontes and Wal­lace Fer­reira try to estab­lish new ways of under­stand­ing and rep­res­ent­ing the exper­i­ences of minor­it­ies. To do so, the cho­reo­graph­ers draw on post­co­lo­ni­al, gender and race stud­ies, ques­tion­ing not only phys­ic­al viol­ence but also that which col­on­izes our ima­gin­a­tion and ways of think­ing. Their reflec­tions have giv­en rise to a “cho­reo­graph­ic rep­er­toire of self-defense” that is a way of chal­len­ging minds and regain­ing power over what their bod­ies express and how they can be read. Naked, wear­ing only heavy white sneak­ers, the artists deploy this ges­tur­al vocab­u­lary in a thirty-minute per­form­ance, danced without music but with a strong rhythm. Syn­chron­iz­ing their bod­ies in motion and their feet strik­ing the ground, sus­tain­ing an inter­play of glances, the duo play on repe­ti­tion and the rhythmic mark­ing of coun­ter­point to expand our per­cep­tion of space and time.

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Con­cep­tion and per­form­ance Davi Pontes, Wal­lace Ferreira

Dur­a­tion 30 minutes

Dis­tri­bu­tion Some­thing Great
Cop­ro­duc­tion 35th São Paulo Bien­ni­al – cho­reo­graph­ies of the impossible, Arsen­ic – Centre d’art scé­nique contemporain.
Résid­ences Fest­iv­al ImPul­sTanz — Vienna Inter­na­tion­al Dance Fest­iv­al, Arsen­ic – Centre d’art scé­nique con­tem­po­rain, Lausanne, tan­zhaus nrw, Kondenz fest­iv­al, La Becque


with the sup­port of Onda — Office nation­al de dif­fu­sion artistique

Where and when

February 2025

  • 04
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 8:00 pm


Tarif unique 8€

Spectacle avec nudité frontale des interprètes