Trottoir (Sidewalk)
Shows - installations
Choreographer Volmir Cordeiro presents the sidewalk as a place where everything is possible, where disorder takes many forms – an expansive universe where six performers dance with abandon in a multicolored, joyful and exuberant piece.
A playground where the rule would be to no longer feel obliged to look like ourselves – here’s how Trottoir could be summarized; the performers – all wearing sheer and colorful pantyhose – seem to be constantly putting masks on and off and transforming. Volmir Cordeiro sees metamorphosis as a way to access freedom and joy as a mode of personal and collective development in the most banal and common of shared spaces. The sidewalk is where people, norms and aspirations wander, stagnate, and rub against others. Performers bump into one another, get closer and walk away in a sort of joyful and communicative collective drunkenness, in this chaotic ballet which delineates many trajectories and many possible fictions. Singer Anna Santango emerges from the rest of the performers and regularly takes the microphone to deliver lines which are calls to unity and being together. Trottoir shatters codes and frameworks to the beat of the powerful bass of the music to give the public space back to a profoundly collective body where the other watches us and participates in our construction, thus reinventing our relation to freedom and community.
+ MoreCast
Choreography Volmir Cordeiro
Dancers Volmir Cordeiro, Martin Gil, Isabela Fernandes Santana, Marcela Santander Corvalán, Anne Sanogo, Washington Timbó
Light designer Abigail Fowler
Sound designer Aria de la Celle
Props Coco Blanvillain
Costumes designed by Volmir Cordeiro
Costumes Vinca Alonso & Volmir Cordeiro with the help of the dancers
Advisors Carolina Campos, Adeline Fontaine, Kiduck Kim
Interns Garance Debert, Léa Lourmière
Thank you to Charlotte Imbault, Chloé Perol, Bruno Pace, Joy Noire, Nadine Noret Special thanks to Henry Pillsbury
Duration 70 minutes
Production Donna Volcan
Coproduction CND Centre national de la danse ; musée de la Danse/Centre chorégraphique national de Rennes et de Bretagne, for the Accueil-studio program; Charleroi Danse – Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie – Bruxelles ; Ateliers Médicis — Clichy-sous-Bois / Montfermeil ; King’s Fountain ; Art Danse CDCN Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté ; La Place de la Danse, CDCN Toulouse — Occitanie ; ICI—CCN Montpellier — Occitanie / Direction Christian Rizzo
Supported by the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Dijon ; Actoral, festival international des arts et des écritures contemporaines ; Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis ; DRAC Île-de-France for the structuration support program
With Chorège CDCN Falaise Normandie, Festival Danse de tous les Sens
With the support of Onda – Office national de diffusion artistique
Where and when
May 2023
Théâtre le Forum, Falaise 8:30 pm
Festival Danse de tous les Sens
Tarif unique 8€
Tarif gourmand 6€
06 85 64 06 58