Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Trottoir (Sidewalk)

Shows - installations

Cho­reo­graph­er Vol­mir Cordeiro presents the side­walk as a place where everything is pos­sible, where dis­order takes many forms – an expans­ive uni­verse where six per­formers dance with aban­don in a mul­ti­colored, joy­ful and exuber­ant piece. 

A play­ground where the rule would be to no longer feel obliged to look like ourselves – here’s how Trot­toir could be sum­mar­ized; the per­formers – all wear­ing sheer and col­or­ful panty­hose – seem to be con­stantly put­ting masks on and off and trans­form­ing. Vol­mir Cordeiro sees meta­morph­os­is as a way to access free­dom and joy as a mode of per­son­al and col­lect­ive devel­op­ment in the most banal and com­mon of shared spaces. The side­walk is where people, norms and aspir­a­tions wander, stag­nate, and rub against oth­ers. Per­formers bump into one anoth­er, get closer and walk away in a sort of joy­ful and com­mu­nic­at­ive col­lect­ive drunk­en­ness, in this chaot­ic bal­let which delin­eates many tra­ject­or­ies and many pos­sible fic­tions. Sing­er Anna Santango emerges from the rest of the per­formers and reg­u­larly takes the micro­phone to deliv­er lines which are calls to unity and being togeth­er. Trot­toir shat­ters codes and frame­works to the beat of the power­ful bass of the music to give the pub­lic space back to a pro­foundly col­lect­ive body where the oth­er watches us and par­ti­cip­ates in our con­struc­tion, thus rein­vent­ing our rela­tion to free­dom and community.

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Cho­reo­graphy Vol­mir Cordeiro
Dan­cers Vol­mir Cordeiro, Mar­tin Gil, Isa­bela Fernandes Santana, Mar­cela Sant­and­er Cor­valán, Anne Sanogo, Wash­ing­ton Timbó
Light design­er Abi­gail Fowler
Sound design­er Aria de la Celle
Props Coco Blanvillain
Cos­tumes designed by Vol­mir Cordeiro
Cos­tumes Vinca Alonso & Vol­mir Cordeiro with the help of the dancers
Advisors Car­o­lina Cam­pos, Adeline Fon­taine, Kiduck Kim
Interns Garance Debert, Léa Lourmière
Thank you to Char­lotte Imbault, Chloé Per­ol, Bruno Pace, Joy Noire, Nad­ine Noret Spe­cial thanks to Henry Pillsbury
Dur­a­tion 70 minutes

Pro­duc­tion Donna Volcan
Cop­ro­duc­tion CND Centre nation­al de la danse ; musée de la Danse/Centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Rennes et de Bretagne, for the Accueil-stu­dio pro­gram; Charleroi Danse – Centre Choré­graph­ique de la Fédéra­tion Wal­lonie – Bruxelles ; Ateliers Médi­cis — Clichy-sous-Bois / Mont­fer­meil ; King’s Foun­tain ; Art Danse CDCN Dijon Bour­gogne-Fran­che-Comté ; La Place de la Danse, CDCN Toulouse — Occit­an­ie ; ICI—CCN Mont­pel­li­er — Occit­an­ie / Dir­ec­tion Chris­ti­an Rizzo
Sup­por­ted by the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Dijon ; Act­or­al, fest­iv­al inter­na­tion­al des arts et des écrit­ures con­tem­po­raines ; Départe­ment de la Seine-Saint-Denis ; DRAC Île-de-France for the struc­tur­a­tion sup­port program


With Chorège CDCN Fal­aise Nor­man­die, Fest­iv­al Danse de tous les Sens

With the sup­port of Onda – Office nation­al de dif­fu­sion artistique

Where and when

May 2023

  • 11
    Théâtre le Forum, Falaise 8:30 pm


Festival Danse de tous les Sens
Tarif unique 8€
Tarif gourmand 6€
06 85 64 06 58

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