Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Projects supported

Accueil-studio Residencies


Dear artists,
Dear companies,

At the dawn of a change in artist­ic dir­ec­tion at the CCN of Caen in Nor­mandy, sched­uled for Janu­ary 1st, 2026, we wish to give the future lead­er­ship the free­dom to invent their own meth­od of select­ing the future artists who will be sup­por­ted in 2026. That is why we have decided not to issue a call for pro­jects for the Accueil-Stu­dio pro­gram this year.
Once the new lead­er­ship is in place, we will be sure to inform you of the details of our next pro­gram via this page.

We are grate­ful for the oppor­tun­ity to have sup­por­ted and accom­pan­ied over 60 com­pan­ies, both nation­al and inter­na­tion­al, dur­ing these ten years of our mandate.

CONTACT PERSON AT THE CCN / Auréli­en Bar­baux / accueilstudio@ccncn.eu
TEL / + 33 (0)2 31 85 83 95