Dear artists,
Dear companies,
At the dawn of a change in artistic direction at the CCN of Caen in Normandy, scheduled for January 1st, 2026, we wish to give the future leadership the freedom to invent their own method of selecting the future artists who will be supported in 2026. That is why we have decided not to issue a call for projects for the Accueil-Studio program this year.
Once the new leadership is in place, we will be sure to inform you of the details of our next program via this page.
We are grateful for the opportunity to have supported and accompanied over 60 companies, both national and international, during these ten years of our mandate.
CONTACT PERSON AT THE CCN / Aurélien Barbaux / accueilstudio@ccncn.eu
TEL / + 33 (0)2 31 85 83 95