Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

What’s on

Millenial Academy

As part of the Caen 2025 mil­len­ni­um, 10 loc­al struc­tures have joined forces to open the Mil­leni­al Academy, a cycle of mas­ter­classes, sem­inars and research work­shops led by cre­at­ors and intel­lec­tu­als for young mil­len­ni­al artists at the start of their careers.

For 18 months, between 2024 and 2025, some 15 emer­ging artists will bene­fit from 36 weeks of artist­ic guid­ance led by per­son­al­it­ies of inter­na­tion­al renown in the fields of visu­al arts, cinema, theat­er, dance, sound, archi­tec­ture, lit­er­ary cre­ation, design, land­scap­ing, fash­ion design, etc. The pro­ject pro­motes intergen­er­a­tion­al transmission.

Over thirty world-fam­ous artists will par­ti­cip­ate in the Mil­leni­al Academy, among whom Jérôme Bel, Natacha Belova, Cath­ie Boyd, François Chaignaud, Patrick Chamoiseau, Hélène Del­prat, Aurore Fat­ti­er, Jean-Marc Fourni­er, Thomas Hirsch­horn, Etienne Klein, Nina Lais­né, Tarek Lakhris­si, Chris­tophe Lemaitre, Dirk Lootens, Clé­mence Math­ieu, Olivi­er Mel­lano, Mar­in Schaffn­er, Elisa­beth Taudière, Maël Trémaudan, Seum­boy Vrainom.

Sar­ina Basta is the project’s artist­ic dir­ect­or, and the pro­ject is sup­por­ted by:

The 16 par­ti­cipants of the Mil­len­ni­al Academy are:

Mona Abou­said (theatre, sta­ging, per­form­ance, writing)
Arthur Bel­homme (styl­ing, sound),
Flavi­en Beau­dron (theatre),
Inès Cheri­fi (music and visu­al arts),
Ant­oine Duch­en­et (visu­al arts, editing),
Con­stance Diard (dance),
Amélie Gra­tias (theatre, performance),
Basile Her­mann (dance, per­form­ance and cir­cus arts),
Pau­line Letourneur (theatre),
Naomi Lulendo (visu­al arts, performance),
Amine Mahzoud (dance, performance),
Max­ence Moulin (pup­pet­eer­ing),
Mil­an Otal (writ­ing, sta­ging, col­lab­or­at­ive creation),
Lorène Plé (digit­al creation),
Valentin Ranger (3D, visu­al arts),
Sacha Teboul (cinema, install­a­tions, photography)