Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

What’s on

Rehearsals open to the public

The Caen CCN has chosen to wel­come 8 cre­at­ive teams this year for cre­at­ive pro­jects span­ning over the course of 12 to 14 weeks in the frame­work of the “accueil stu­dio” res­id­ency pro­gram sup­por­ted by the Min­istry of Cul­ture. Rehears­als open to the pub­lic free of charge are a major high­light of the res­id­en­cies, since they allow artists to show­case their work in progress.

  • Nina Laisné & Nestor ‘Pola’ Pastorive

    Compagnie Zorongo Productions

    February 15, 2024

    Show : Como una baguala oscura

    Residence : du 07 au 17 février 2024

    Nina Lais­né ima­gines a cho­reo­graph­ic and music­al piece to cel­eb­rate pian­ist and com­poser Hilda Her­rera and dan­cer Nestor ‘Pola’ Pas­torive, two unique and free fig­ures of Argen­tine folklore. After mak­ing a last­ing impres­sion on Caen audi­ences in 2019 with Romances incier­tos, anoth­er …


  • Katerina Andreou

    March 28, 2024

    Show : Bless this Mess

    For her first col­lect­ive piece, Kater­ina Andreou – asso­ci­ate artist at the ccncn – works in reac­tion to the con­fu­sion felt when attempt­ing to cre­ate a space in which to feel more sol­id. A frank and dir­ect col­lect­ive ges­ture where play and …


  • Clarissa Baumann

    April 25, 2024

    Show : mouth, spit, hand (provisional title)

    Residence : du 15 au 26 avril 2024

    In this solo per­form­ance, visu­al artist and cho­reo­graph­er Clarissa Bau­mann explores the ana­tomy of lan­guage, dis­sec­ted into a myri­ad of ges­tures, sounds, images and sensations. Con­ceived as a cho­reo­graph­ic pro­ject open to vari­ous explor­at­ory forms (install­a­tion, work­shops, writ­ing), bouche, bave, main takes …


  • Alban Richard

    July 18, 2024

    Show : Quartet (creation 2025)

    Alban Richard is work­ing on a piece that jux­ta­poses the scores of four per­formers, remixed in a lively, dynam­ic explor­a­tion of the quartet. For his new piece – sched­uled for 2025 – Alban Richard turns his atten­tion to the for­mula of the …


  • Ruth Childs

    Scarlett’s Production

    September 19, 2024

    Show : Fun Times

    Residence : du 09 au 20 septembre 2024

    Cho­reo­graph­er Ruth Childs is work­ing on her first group piece, a tra­gi­com­ic dance in which move­ments, tra­ject­or­ies, sounds and voices are treated play­fully and musically. After recre­at­ing the early works of her aunt Lucinda Childs (four were presen­ted at the ccn …


  • Mathilde Monfreux

    Compagnie Corps Parlants

    October 10, 2024

    Show : Mouvementements

    Residence : du 30 septembre au 11 octobre 2024

    Math­ilde Mon­freux and the Com­pag­nie des Corps Par­lants are work­ing on an inter­act­ive con­fer­ence inspired by con­tact impro­visa­tion, to ques­tion – in a humor­ous way – the bound­ar­ies between art, sport and dance. Developed in the early ’70s in the USA, con­tact …


  • [Postponed] Christine Armanger

    Compagnie Louve

    Show : De Diaboli

    Residence : du 14 au 25 octobre 2024

    With De Diaboli, cho­reo­graph­er and visu­al artist Christine Armanger explores the fig­ure of the dev­il, from its his­tor­ic­al depth to its con­tem­por­ary stakes. Three per­formers (and a robot dog) indulge in an occult ritu­al that is in turns dis­turb­ing and grotesque. …


  • Collectif ÈS

    Collectif ÈS

    December 5, 2024

    Show : About Lambada

    Residence : du 25 novembre au 06 décembre 2024

    The Ès col­lect­ive is work­ing on a phys­ic­al study of the world­wide hit La Lam­bada with a piece for two tri­os. How do you bring bod­ies togeth­er in the uto­pi­an space of a con­cert hall? The huge suc­cess of La Lam­bada in 1989, when …
