Not Here – extended
Shows - installations
Double bass player Florentin Ginot is a composer associated with the Caen ccn; he has conceived Not Here – extended as a staged concert where music, space, light and dance interact, in collaboration with choreographers Katerina Andreou and Emmanuelle Huynh.
Created by Florentin Ginot in May 2018 at the Cologne Philharmonic, Not Here engages the musician in a physical dialogue with the double bass, a massive, versatile instrument whose rawest, harshest aspects, vibrations and imperfections he explores. To do so, he has called on composers who have shaped his approach to the instrument, such as Rebecca Saunders (b. 1967) and Georges Aperghis (b. 1945): each – in their own way – takes hold of the double bass, its resistance and its muted zones, embracing or attempting to escape its earthy gravity. Their compositions resonate here with the luminous modernity of Baroque masters Johann Sebastian Bach and Heinrich Biber, underscored by the use of analog synthesizers. At the heart of this territory of encounters, choreographers and dancers Katerina Andreou and Emmanuelle Huynh will each animate two compositions (one contemporary and one Baroque), proposing a danced and performed snapshot in the scenographic space of Not Here, with its play of shadows and floating luminous presences.
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Programme musical (en cours)
Compositions de Georges Aperghis, Rebecca Saunders, Claudia Jane Scroccaro (en cours) Extraits de Jean-Sébastien Bach, Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
Conception, contrebasse Florentin Ginot
Chorégraphies, danse Katerina Andreou & Emmanuelle Huynh
Scénographie et construction décor Olivier Defrocourt
Création lumières Marie-Hélène Pinon
Dispositif lumineux Jacques Bouault
Son Martin Antiphon
Régie générale Nicolas Sylvaine
Production et administration Silvina Senn
Durée 1 heure
Production HowNow
Coproduction Festival Acht Brücken Cologne, Ircam et Biennale de Venise. Avec le soutien d’lmpuls Neue Musik et de l’Institut français.
Not Here a été créé le 03 mai 2018 à la Philharmonie de Cologne.
Katerina Andreou est chorégraphe associée au centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie jusqu’en 2025.
Florentin Ginot est compositeur associé au centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie jusqu’en 2025.
Not Here - extended est créé grâce au dispositif compositeur associé du ministère de la culture et de la Sacem.
Avec le Conservatoire & Orchestre de Caen, établissement Caen la mer
Where and when
November 2024
Caen Conservatory 8:00 pm
Conservatoire & Orchestre de Caen
Tarifs de 6 à 22€
02 31 30 46 86