Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Alban Richard


Alban Richard’s pro­duc­tions con­sti­tute a rep­er­toire of cho­reo­graph­ic pieces of var­ied aes­thet­ic res­ol­u­tions. Each is based on a close rela­tion­ship with a music­al work drawn from a wide-ran­ging rep­er­toire: span­ning from medi­ev­al to con­tem­por­ary music, it has fea­tured baroque, elec­tron­ic, Wag­n­er or Inu­it songs. Gen­er­ally per­formed live, the music­al score instils struc­tures and forms in the dance. The music is shown and the dance is heard.
Alban Richard’s shows are per­formed in pres­ti­gi­ous ven­ues ded­ic­ated to dance or music. In France, the Mont­pel­li­er Dance Fest­iv­al, the Lyon Dance Bien­nale, the Théâtre Nation­al de Chail­lot and the Phil­har­monie de Par­is have all hos­ted his pro­duc­tions. Abroad, his most icon­ic pieces have been enjoyed by the audi­ences of the Jul­id­ans Fest­iv­al in Ams­ter­dam, the Joyce Theat­er in New York or the Beeth­oven­fest in Bon.

  • Quartet


    July 18, 2024

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : Creation 2025

    For this new piece, Alban Richard turns his atten­tion to the quar­tet for­mula, the addi­tion of four soloists whose scores coex­ist. This autonomy and jux­ta­pos­i­tion are also those of the DJ at his turntables, com­bin­ing music that was not inten­ded …


  • Come Kiss Me Now


    from October 8, 2023 to October 5, 2024

    Conception : Alban Richard with Ezra, L’Achéron, Céline Scheen

    Created in : November 21 and 22, 2023

    Creation place : Caen théâtre

    “Come Kiss Me Now takes us through 17th-cen­tury Eng­lish music lit­er­at­ure, Robert Burton’s treaty The Ana­tomy of Mel­an­choly, and New Romantics cov­ers. Five study por­traits explore, dis­sect and meander through mel­an­chol­ic affects and reveal a mul­ti­pli­city of vari­ations around that humor. …


  • 3 Works for 12


    from October 8, 2021 to November 30, 2022

    Conception : Alban Richard

    Created in : 08 et 09 octobre 2021

    Creation place : La Filature, scène. nationale de Mulhouse — Festival Musica

    “I set out to com­pose an even­ing pro­gramme made up of three music­al works cho­reo­graphed for a large group of dan­cers. The music­al choices were drawn from the peri­od 1975–1976. The Amer­ic­an min­im­al­ist wave was already being chal­lenged by young com­posers …


  • Fix Me


    from October 16, 2018 to March 24, 2022

    Conception : Alban Richard with Arnaud Rebotini

    Created in : 16 et 17 octobre 2018

    Creation place : Le Cargö, scène de musiques actuelles, Caen — en attendant Nördik Impakt

    A total change of register for Alban Richard. After the medi­ev­al bal­lads of Nom­brer les étoiles (Count­ing the Stars), with Fix Me, the cho­reo­graph­er and artist­ic dir­ect­or of the CCN de Caen en Nor­man­die is turn­ing his atten­tion to com­pletely …


  • Suites dansées


    from March 13, 2015 to May 5, 2023

    Conception : Alban Richard and Christophe Rousset (Les Talens Lyriques)

    Created in : 13 mars 2015

    Creation place : Philharmonie de Paris

    Suites dansées, un récit­al de musique et de danse is a sin­gu­lar object, a dif­fer­ent listen­ing exper­i­ence, a moment of sharing… On stage, Chris­tophe Rous­set and Alban Richard, musi­cian and cho­reo­graph­er, give a recit­al of dance suites from the sev­en­teenth and eight­eenth cen­tury harp­si­chord …
