Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

A Sentimental Landscape

Activations and performances

Cho­reo­graph­er and per­former Alban Richard and com­poser and instru­ment­al­ist Florentin Ginot have embarked on a col­lab­or­a­tion in the fullest sense of the word, co-author­ing a piece that bring them togeth­er on stage. Bor­row­ing its title from the nov­el A Sen­ti­ment­al Jour­ney by writer Laurence Sterne, where “sen­ti­ment­al” means res­ist­ance to the suprem­acy of reas­on, A Sen­ti­ment­al Land­scape plays on the loss of land­marks with­in a sound car­to­graphy. The duo’s research focuses on an intense music­al com­pos­i­tion, a poly­phony of voices (spoken, blown) that activ­ates and trig­gers move­ments, sounds, affects and emo­tions. In this shift­ing sound­scape, double bass motifs, machine rhythms and loops leave no res­pite for the bod­ies of the per­formers. Pris­on­ers of inter­twined tem­por­al­it­ies, the bod­ies endure Le dur désir de durer, as delin­eated by Paul Élu­ard: “Our bod­ies are against each oth­er, we are down to earth. We are born from every­where, we are without lim­its”. The piece cre­ates and mod­u­lates an island of ges­tures, words and sounds, around which the audi­ence takes its place. An autonom­ous island that can be set up in a theat­er, a museum, a gym­nas­i­um, an under­ground park­ing lot or in the heart of a hun­dred-year-old forest.

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Com­po­si­tion, sta­ging, per­for­mance Flo­ren­tin Ginot
Cho­reography, sta­ging, per­for­mance Alban Richard
Sound design Mar­tin Antiphon
Lights Jérôme Houlès
Assist­ant Max Fossati
Music extract Mar­in Marais, Prélude en Harpègement
Texts Leave of Grass de Walt Whit­man et Exterm­in­at­or! de Wil­li­am S. Burroughs

Deputy pro­du­cer centre cho­ré­gra­phique natio­nal de Caen en Normandie

Where and when


May 2025

  • 22
    PREMIERE - Chorège CDCN Falaise Normandie, Festival Danser partout 7:00 pm


May 2024

  • 17
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 7:00 pm

Artistic collaborations

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