Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

Dance & Coffee

Interdisciplinary projects

The CCNCN invites you to attend these morn­ing cof­fee tast­ing ses­sions and the per­form­ances they have inspired for four artists. A lively blend of styles to kick off the day and the Fall season.

After the first two edi­tions which were devoted to nat­ur­al wines and artis­an ciders, the CCN is happy to pro­pose this new culin­ary event, Dance and Cof­fee. It will be a nice occa­sion to dis­cov­er new cho­reo­graph­ic pieces as well as new music cre­ations, while enjoy­ing the cof­fee blends selec­ted by Arbuste Café Caen cof­fee expert and barista Jor­is Had­jadj, whose pas­sion for cof­fee was born in South Africa, where he lived and dis­covered the rich world of artis­an cof­fee. Dur­ing this short res­id­ency, Had­jadj will inter­act with four artists: com­poser and musi­cian Deborah Len­nie, who works on voice, bass play­er Patrice Grente and dan­cers Ingvild Marstein Olsen and Leandro Vil­lavi­cen­cio. Their col­lab­or­a­tion around the shar­ing of fla­vors will give birth to cho­reo­graph­ic and music­al cre­ations, which will be presen­ted to the pub­lic dur­ing two morn­ing ses­sions to kick­start your week­end. A full-bod­ied or strong moment, that can also be hazy, light or com­fort­ing. Or maybe all of that at the same time.

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Deborah Len­nie, Patrice Grente (musi­cians), Ingvild Marstein Olsen, Leandro Vil­lavi­cen­cio (dan­cers), Jor­is Had­jadj (cof­fee expert)

Dur­a­tion 1 heure

Pro­duc­tion centre cho­ré­gra­phique natio­nal de Caen en Normandie
With the sup­port of Drac Nor­man­die, dis­po­si­tif Convivialité

Where and when

September 2023

  • 23
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 10:30 am
  • 24
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 10:30 am


Tickets 5€

Associated event