Les estoiles nombrer
Counteth the stars
Past seasons
“Nes qu’on porroit les estoiles nombrer” [If we could count the stars]
Inspired by this ballad for three voices by Guillaume de Machaut (1300−1377), this piece features excerpts from a new project based on the meeting of two languages that have nothing in common and yet that everything connects. Medieval music (songs of troubadours or trouvères and Machaut’s polyphonies) and contemporary dance (choreographed by Alban Richard) oscillate between analogy and metaphor.
Devised and choreographed by
Alban Richard
Twelfth- to fourteenth-century medieval ballads
Alla francesca ensemble
Vivabiancaluna Biffi, vocals and bowed vielle
Christel Boiron, vocals
Brigitte Lesne, vocals, psaltery, percussions
Created and performed alternatively by
Romain Bertet, Mélanie Cholet, Max Fossati, Laurie Giordano, Yannick Hugron
Executive produced by the Centre chorégraphique national de Caen en Normandie
Les estoiles nombrer is an in situ form inspired by Nombrer les étoiles, a 2016 production by Alban Richard.
Nombrer les étoiles was co-produced by Ensemble L’Abrupt, the Théâtre Paul Eluard (TPE) – scène conventionnée de Bezons with the support of Arcadi Ile-de-France. It has benefited from a creative residency at the Théâtre 71, Scène nationale de Malakoff and a research residency thanks to Format – La Jetée, centre for art and choreographic resources.
April 2016
- 17
- 18
September 2017
- 17
- 17
April 2020
Bibliothèque Alexis de Tocqueville, Caen - Journée internationale de la danse [Annulé] 8:00 pm