Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Les estoiles nombrer

Counteth the stars

Past seasons

“Nes qu’on porroit les estoiles nom­brer” [If we could count the stars]
Inspired by this bal­lad for three voices by Guil­laume de Machaut (1300−1377), this piece fea­tures excerpts from a new pro­ject based on the meet­ing of two lan­guages that have noth­ing in com­mon and yet that everything con­nects. Medi­ev­al music (songs of troubadours or trouvères and Machaut’s poly­phon­ies) and con­tem­por­ary dance (cho­reo­graphed by Alban Richard) oscil­late between ana­logy and metaphor.

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Devised and cho­reo­graphed by
Alban Richard

Twelfth- to four­teenth-cen­tury medi­ev­al ballads

Alla francesca ensemble
Viv­a­bi­an­caluna Biffi, vocals and bowed vielle
Christel Boiron, vocals
Bri­gitte Lesne, vocals, psal­tery, percussions

Cre­ated and per­formed altern­at­ively by
Romain Ber­tet, Mélanie Cho­let, Max Fossati, Laurie Giord­ano, Yan­nick Hugron

Exec­ut­ive pro­duced by the Centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Normandie
Les estoiles nom­brer is an in situ form inspired by Nom­brer les étoiles, a 2016 pro­duc­tion by Alban Richard.
Nom­brer les étoiles was co-pro­duced by Ensemble L’Abrupt, the Théâtre Paul Elu­ard (TPE) – scène con­ven­tion­née de Bezons with the sup­port of Arcadi Ile-de-France. It has benefited from a cre­at­ive res­id­ency at the Théâtre 71, Scène nationale de Malakoff and a research res­id­ency thanks to Format – La Jetée, centre for art and cho­reo­graph­ic resources.

Associated event