Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Not Here – extended

Shows - installations

Double bass play­er Florentin Ginot is a com­poser asso­ci­ated with the Caen ccn; he has con­ceived Not Here – exten­ded as a staged con­cert where music, space, light and dance inter­act, in col­lab­or­a­tion with cho­reo­graph­ers Kater­ina Andreou and Emmanuelle Huynh.

Cre­ated by Florentin Ginot in May 2018 at the Cologne Phil­har­mon­ic, Not Here engages the musi­cian in a phys­ic­al dia­logue with the double bass, a massive, ver­sat­ile instru­ment whose raw­est, harshest aspects, vibra­tions and imper­fec­tions he explores. To do so, he has called on com­posers who have shaped his approach to the instru­ment, such as Rebecca Saun­ders (b. 1967) and Georges Aperghis (b. 1945): each – in their own way – takes hold of the double bass, its res­ist­ance and its muted zones, embra­cing or attempt­ing to escape its earthy grav­ity. Their com­pos­i­tions res­on­ate here with the lumin­ous mod­ern­ity of Baroque mas­ters Johann Sebasti­an Bach and Hein­rich Biber, under­scored by the use of ana­log syn­thes­izers. At the heart of this ter­rit­ory of encoun­ters, cho­reo­graph­ers and dan­cers Kater­ina Andreou and Emmanuelle Huynh will each anim­ate two com­pos­i­tions (one con­tem­por­ary and one Baroque), pro­pos­ing a danced and per­formed snap­shot in the sceno­graph­ic space of Not Here, with its play of shad­ows and float­ing lumin­ous presences.

+ More


Pro­gramme music­al (en cours)
Com­pos­i­tions de Georges Aperghis, Rebecca Saun­ders, Claudia Jane Scroc­caro (en cours) Extraits de Jean-Sébas­tien Bach, Hein­rich Ignaz Franz Biber

Con­cep­tion, contre­basse Florentin Ginot
Choré­graph­ies, danse Kater­ina Andreou & Emmanuelle Huynh
Scéno­graph­ie et con­struc­tion décor Olivi­er Defrocourt
Créa­tion lumières Mar­ie-Hélène Pinon
Dis­pos­i­tif lumineux Jacques Bouault
Son Mar­tin Antiphon
Régie générale Nic­olas Sylvaine
Pro­duc­tion et admin­is­tra­tion Silv­ina Senn

Durée 1 heure

Pro­duc­tion HowNow
Cop­ro­duc­tion Fest­iv­al Acht Brück­en Cologne, Ircam et Bien­nale de Ven­ise. Avec le sou­tien d’lm­puls Neue Musik et de l’In­sti­tut français.

Not Here a été créé le 03 mai 2018 à la Phil­har­monie de Cologne.
Kater­ina Andreou est choré­graphe asso­ciée au centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die jusqu’en 2025.
Florentin Ginot est com­pos­iteur asso­cié au centre choré­graph­ique nation­al de Caen en Nor­man­die jusqu’en 2025.
Not Here - exten­ded est créé grâce au dis­pos­i­tif com­pos­iteur asso­cié du min­istère de la cul­ture et de la Sacem.


Avec le Con­ser­vatoire & Orchestre de Caen, étab­lisse­ment Caen la mer

Where and when

November 2024

  • 05
    Caen Conservatory 8:00 pm


Conservatoire & Orchestre de Caen
Tarifs de 6 à 22€
02 31 30 46 86

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