Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen en Normandie.

The office is closed from July 27 to August 18. Have a nice summer ⛱

Zeppelin Bend

Shows - installations

With her first duet, Kater­ina Andreou con­tin­ues her invest­ig­a­tions around free choice and the notion of effort. Along with dan­cer Nat­ali Mandila, she devel­ops a sin­gu­lar rhyth­mic­al lan­guage, trans­lated in uni­son by two twin bodies. 

Zep­pelin Bend ori­gin­ates in the hours of isol­a­tion imposed by the Cov­id-19 crisis, and attests to the friend­ship between Kater­ina Andreou and Nat­ali Mandila. The Greek cho­reo­graph­er, who is asso­ci­ate artist with the Caen CCN, con­tin­ues her explor­a­tion of phys­ic­al prac­tices and ques­tions free choice on stage again. How do we pre­pare for a par­tic­u­lar per­form­ance, for a par­tic­u­lar struggle, which efforts are made and to what end? These ques­tions anim­ate the sta­ging and the min­im­al­ist­ic sceno­graphy: a mat and two ropes, which recall the zep­pelin node the piece is named after, and which is used to con­nect­ing two ropes, par­tic­u­larly for air­ships. Through this rhyth­mic­al and acro­bat­ic per­form­ance, Kater­ina Andreou and Nat­ali Mandila build a phys­ic­al lan­guage based on effort and the vari­ous states it induces, and they con­nect dances, actions and sounds that engage both a great dis­cip­line and a psy­che­del­ic ima­gin­a­tion. They attempt to con­nect with real­ity while con­cen­trat­ing on the cre­at­ing bod­ies and try­ing to find moments of freedom.

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Concept/Creation/ Sound design Kater­ina Andreou
Per­form­ance Kater­ina Andreou, Nat­ali Mandila
Sound Kater­ina Andreou and Cristián Soto­may­or
Sound col­lab­or­at­or Tal Agam
Light Design Yan­nick Fouassier
Out­side Eye Myrto Katsiki
Pro­duc­tion, book­ing Elod­ie Perrin

Dur­a­tion 55 minutes

Pro­duc­tion : BARK
Cop­ro­duc­tion : Les Spec­tacles vivants du Centre Pomp­idou, Onas­sis Stegi Athènes, Tan­zquart­i­er Vienne, Atelier de Par­is / Centre de dévelop­pe­ment choré­graph­ique nation­al, La Place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse / Occit­an­ie, dans le cadre du dis­pos­i­tif Accueil Stu­dio, CN D Centre nation­al de la danse, accueil en résid­ence, Le Gym­nase, CDCN de Roubaix, CCN de Gren­oble, Far fest­iv­al des arts vivants Nyon, Cent­rale Fies (dans le cadre de LIVE WORKS Act Award 2019)
With the sup­port of: BUDA Courtrai, RAMDAM UN CENTRE DART, Angers-CDCN, CDC de Gren­oble, res­id­ency at SUBS lieu vivant dexpéri­ences artistiques, Lyon », Centre Chorégraph­ique Nation­al dOrléans.
With the sup­port of Van Cleef & Arpels.

Where and when

December 2023

  • 06
    ccn de Caen en Normandie 8:00 pm


Tickets 8€

Associated event

Artistic collaboration